GRAPHS and CHARTS (text version available)

Collection Size: over the past five years the Library's collection size has remained virtually static. The 3,000 volume annual growth in Serials is offset by the weeding of other parts of the collection, notably in books and audiovisuals as outdated or little used items are deleted.


Gate Count: the number of persons in the Library has declined over the past year as more and more of the Library's collection becomes available over the Internet.


External Circulation/In-House Use has declined over the past five years. As more journals and textbooks become available electronically, ways of measuring electronic use need to be found to give an accurate picture of collection use by the Library's patrons.


Interlibrary Loan Transactions charts a steady utilization of the Carpenter Library's collection by other libraries ( a testament to the strength of our collection). Borrowing by our patrons of materials from other libraries remains relatively stable. Does this mean our collection meets most of their needs or are our users not using our ILL service?


Serials Subscriptions: Active & Inactive Titles: Inactive titles are journal subscriptions that have been dropped or have ceased publication but continue to be held by the Carpenter Library.


Electronic Journals: Number of Web Views enumerates the number of "hits" the Library's electronic journals web page recorded each month from September 1999 ( when counting began) through June of 2000. It does not record "hits" by journal title.


1999-2000 OVID Database Usage illustrates the significant use of the Medline databases compared with the other OVID databases that the Library subscribed to in fiscal year 1999-2000.


LRC Patron Assistance reflects the changing levels of assistance needed in the LRC over the past five years. The decline in internet assistance reflects the almost universal exposure to the internet in our patrons. The decline in computer scheduling reflects the widening distribution of laptops to our medical students.

LRC Use by Patron Category charts the continuing decline by, not only students, but also staff, in the use of the LRC's computers. The implications for the future points to a diminished use of the LRC for individual computer work as students and staff have greater access to computers outside of the library.


Reference Questions Answered Across All Three Public Desks shows that more "reference" questions are answered at the Reference Desk and more "directional" questions are answered at the other two public service desks but that the trend points to a declining number of questions handled by all public desks.


Number of library taught classes/Number of participants in library taught classes  illustrates the ongoing commitment of the library's reference librarians to training students, staff, and faculty.


CyberSkills Classes illustrates the number of different classes taught by this Winston-based company which has been providing software training to the Medical Center since 1994.


The Circulation staff not only keeps track of the circulating collection but also they assist users in locating items, aiding users experiencing photocopier difficulties, collecting money for fines, and answering directional questions.


The Dorothy Carpenter Medical Archives serves the research needs of, not only the Medical Center, but also those of several national medical associations.


Faculty Publications collects data for the Dean's office on what and how often our 
faculty publish. 


Library Survey Respondents By Status/Use of Library Services ...are just two of the graphs illustrating the results of the Library's 1999 survey of its users. 

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